Thursday, November 1, 2012

The reason I do what I do...

It's still amazing to me how one person can positively change another's life! That's how I feel about my son, Evan. He was diagnosed with autism when he was three-and-a-half years old. That was 1998 when little was known about this disability.

The day I received that diagnosis, I became a different person. And, frankly, upon years of reflection, a better person. Through it all, with prayers and lots of support from friends and family, I remained hopeful. I pushed the educational system to teach him so that one day he might live independently. 

Re-diagnosed as having Asperger's Syndrome (which is still on the autism spectrum) he's doing well and plans to go to college next year.

I'll be writing this blog as COO of Learning Outside The Lines.

If I can give parents of children with special needs one thing, it would be hope. Evan is the reason I do what I do.


  1. I really like your blog, and I like that you're using your writing to spread awareness. Great job and keep up the good work.

  2. You and your business do an amazing thing. Helping people is such a rewarding thing to do. You are a great inspiration!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the feedback. I hope these blogs will help someone who is going down the same road that I've been on.
