Sunday, October 14, 2012

The worst day of my life....

Think of the worst day of your life. Now, multiply that feeling a 1,000 times.

Thirteen years have passed, but I still remember a day in September 1998 when a part of me died.

That was the day my beautiful, healthy, three-year-old son, Evan, was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Autism spectrum disorders are a group of developmental disabilities that cause lifelong social, communication, and behavioral challenges in children and adults. The Center for Disease Control estimates that between one in 110 children have an autism spectrum disorder. 

Because of this epidemic, many people now know about autism. In 1998 it was still a mystery. Little was known about the disability, its causes, or how to help children.  
Evan is almost 18 years old and doing very well. He plans to attend college next year. I'm COO of Learning Outside The Lines and I plan to help as many children with special needs as I can.

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